Tuesday, November 28, 2006

balangan surf

dreamland shorebreak

dreamland sunset
  another view of this trip............
Noah's view just another perspective of a world traveler.............
  why are so many, so closed minded
traveling this planet is a blessing that i can never describe in words, never speak by mouth, but only try and comprehend for myself what it is i am to understand and take with me from each new experience. in life there are so many choices we have that can change our lives forever, we are able to do whatever we wish if only we have the desire to make it happen, sometimes this may seem more difficult than it really is or more impossible than it may be but truly be but anything can be done. i have a new look on so many things in life just by what i have seen in the few countries i have visited thus far, the different cultures, different religions, different beliefs and ideas all help me understand myself in new ways. i try to stay open minded and never judge anyone for anything they may say or do and often i struggle with this.
Indonesia is a beautiful country and has so much to offer, i wish i could have spent much more time traveling throughout this one country but my time is limited and soon i have to keep moving where i will soon be traveling to Australia. i know that the holiday season is almost in full swing and to be honest i don't miss any of it because i think about how much we have shaped the Christmas holiday into a shopping festival of just giving gifts and the hassle it has become of just stress on so many for what. we buy materialistic things that mostly others don't need just because it has become almost the obligation of oneself and this should never be the case. i love the family coming together and the sharing of wonderful memories around the dinner table but never do i wish to be pushed into something that has become custom when really if you stop and ask yourself for what? its nice to give things to others and i am not saying this is wrong but for the simple reason of because for so many years that is what is expected i don't agree with that.
i think that everyone who believes in giving, well they should spend there money, buy themselves a plane ticket, fly to a 3rd world country and give your gifts to those who really need it. or don't even fly there, just spend your money as you always do and give it to a church organization or some organization who really gives it to those around the world who actually need these things to survive.
Monday, November 27, 2006
  dreamland goes off......
today was the day i seen real indo surf, def the most epic seens the ocean has shown me within indo as of this day. a real rude awakening of what this planet has to offer and how many other wonderful places there are around the world.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
you must see for yourself this place, the surf is just unlike any of the sourding areas so tomorrow we shall see this spot again
Thursday, November 16, 2006
  the real cambodia
today i seen the real cambodia, the ladies myself, eric and 2 other missionary's to a long car ride outside the city to some of the remote villages. nothing can prepare oneself for what you would see, no powerlines because no one has electricity, no running water, no paved roads, no cars, no furniture inside homes, just small shacks made from bamboo and trees with bar floors. children ran around everywhere and looked at us with huge eyes because to them we are aliens. this is the part of cambodia no one visits only the missionary's every so often but i was fortunate enough to see along this journey. life here is very simple, people live day to day and just seem to be the happiest people on the planet, they have no clue of what goes on outside of there own little world and sometimes its best kept this way. its hard to think of going back to the everyday life after seeing these, back home people are so worried about the things that really are not life essentials and here its easy to see this. my time here has been well spent and i am grateful for this chance to help and touch the lives of those around me, i pray one day that i will return to this unscene country and maybe transform those who have yet to be discovered.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
  Temples of Siem Reap.....northern cambodia

same temple where the movie "tomb raider" was filmed

mother and son, lost in time

where am i??

fallen walls as the jungle takes over

checkout the trees roots, this was deep in the jungle

more jungle life
  Tuelsleng Genocide Prison....Cambodia

cambodia's map

harsh reality

sometimes we need to see things to believe them

just one of many technices

fields of death all over this country


sometimes we dont want to look at such images but within this country this is very much a part of each and every cambodian. this tragic event effects almost every persons life here in some way, its sad to see what happened but time keeps moving and people are trying to get on with their lives.
Friday, November 10, 2006
  tryin to catch up on the pics.....soo behind

more maya bay

hongkong harbor

lost in a garden
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
  cambodia is no joke
Cambodia, well, words alone can’t begin to describe the environment surrounding this unique place on earth. The number of people is startling, and their way of life even more astonishing. With elephants walking on the road, cows, water buffalo, and small children everywhere you better be wide awake and very alert while driving thru this country. The main mode of transportation is moto, (mopeds). These moto’s are everywhere, some drive cautious while others drive as though they were on a death mission, flying through intersections, riding directly into head on traffic, on and off the roads, they cover it all. The cami often ride 6 people on one moto, and carry anything, really anything you can think of while riding on the back of these little bikes. When riding thru phenm pehn, we have seen it all. After crashing on the bike, you will see individuals riding while holding the I V over there head after just leaving the hospital. People with boxes of every kind, sacks of who knows what piled so high it’s a wonder how they can even see to drive, whole beds, with the ends sticking far out on each side, some try to pull a trailer full of about 30 or more people with one of those little motos, so forget about trying to stop of slow down fast with all that weight behind them. Others ride with animals on the front in baskets, on the gas tanks and even on the small seat behind them. This is all normal everyday life for the cami people but for u and I words just cant give this email justice of what you see while traveling thru this land.

We stayed in the city capital for one night only, where I was able to meet my mother and the other ladies from back home. Also found was our lost traveler, free Noah, so we are all finally together traveling thru Asia at last. We are lucky to have found noah, as he has had the worst experience ever from the very start. Missing his flight because of weather out of San Francisco his bags made the connection and he did not, then arriving late into Bangkok he also missed his flight into Cambodia he had already booked and paid for. He had planned to meet us in the airport at 1:20am on the morning of nov. 5th but his flight didn’t arrive until 12:00pm. We had already booked our flights out of Thailand at 7:00am thinking he would be there already but since his flight was late we flew without him. So we spoke emailed and told him to just spend the night in Thailand and catch the next flight over on nov. 6th first thing in the morning, this was the plan. Well arriving in Thailand, no bag, no friends, he just couldn’t deal with all the madness, totally understandable because this place is extreme to say the least. He tried and tried to locate his bag but was unable to do so, being alone he was going to have to stay in Thailand and then fly out the next morning. After missing his flight and losing the money from the flight he missed his plans changed, he thought to himself why stay here when I can just go ahead get this night flight over to Cambodia an be with friends instead of having to stay the night in Thailand alone. With all this said, eric and I with all the others were enjoying our first hours in Cambodia, walking the streets, resting and later eating dinner before I realized I needed to check my mail because I knew noah was going to send an email about his flight the next morning. Walking the street I find a small shop with a few computers, checking my mail I see urgent, urgent from noah, he was flying in on this night, nov 5th and would arrive at 7:30, Wow! It was now 7:00, so we rushed back and caught a ride to the airport to see another flight he was on was delayed, poor noah, but finally, finally after traveling since 8:00 on Friday arrives about 8:00 on Sunday, but still with no bag. It’s a wild story I know but trust me, he lived thru it and now rest next to us in our amazing hotel. Still today, nov. 7th he has no bag and its not looking very good as far as finding it, we try many times a day, so hopefully it will pop up. Just thought I would share the story of how we finally meet noah and the amazing trip he has had without clothes and without anything he really needs, just a computer, ipod, and basically the clothes on his back. Yesterday we found some taxi moto’s and went to the local market so he has been able to buy some clothes to get him by until hopefully the bag is recovered.

So we will be down south on the coast till sometime next week around Monday. We have plans to travel north past the capital to Angkor wat, many temples from Asia’s past. google this if you have some time, it’s the best ruins in all of Asia and some of the best in the world, will be an amazing experience I am sure, something I am really looking forward to.

Well I just thought to explain just a small portion of the many experiences I go thru on a regular basis, some wonderful and others terrible, but they all make me a stronger person, help to keep me open minded and all help shape me into the individual I am.

I hope to stay in touch with all of you, and will try to send more mail in the future.

  cambodia is no joke
Cambodia, well, words alone can’t begin to describe the environment surrounding this unique place on earth. The number of people is startling, and their way of life even more astonishing. With elephants walking on the road, cows, water buffalo, and small children everywhere you better be wide awake and very alert while driving thru this country. The main mode of transportation is moto, (mopeds). These moto’s are everywhere, some drive cautious while others drive as though they were on a death mission, flying through intersections, riding directly into head on traffic, on and off the roads, they cover it all. The cami often ride 6 people on one moto, and carry anything, really anything you can think of while riding on the back of these little bikes. When riding thru phenm pehn, we have seen it all. After crashing on the bike, you will see individuals riding while holding the I V over there head after just leaving the hospital. People with boxes of every kind, sacks of who knows what piled so high it’s a wonder how they can even see to drive, whole beds, with the ends sticking far out on each side, some try to pull a trailer full of about 30 or more people with one of those little motos, so forget about trying to stop of slow down fast with all that weight behind them. Others ride with animals on the front in baskets, on the gas tanks and even on the small seat behind them. This is all normal everyday life for the cami people but for u and I words just cant give this email justice of what you see while traveling thru this land.

We stayed in the city capital for one night only, where I was able to meet my mother and the other ladies from back home. Also found was our lost traveler, free Noah, so we are all finally together traveling thru Asia at last. We are lucky to have found noah, as he has had the worst experience ever from the very start. Missing his flight because of weather out of San Francisco his bags made the connection and he did not, then arriving late into Bangkok he also missed his flight into Cambodia he had already booked and paid for. He had planned to meet us in the airport at 1:20am on the morning of nov. 5th but his flight didn’t arrive until 12:00pm. We had already booked our flights out of Thailand at 7:00am thinking he would be there already but since his flight was late we flew without him. So we spoke emailed and told him to just spend the night in Thailand and catch the next flight over on nov. 6th first thing in the morning, this was the plan. Well arriving in Thailand, no bag, no friends, he just couldn’t deal with all the madness, totally understandable because this place is extreme to say the least. He tried and tried to locate his bag but was unable to do so, being alone he was going to have to stay in Thailand and then fly out the next morning. After missing his flight and losing the money from the flight he missed his plans changed, he thought to himself why stay here when I can just go ahead get this night flight over to Cambodia an be with friends instead of having to stay the night in Thailand alone. With all this said, eric and I with all the others were enjoying our first hours in Cambodia, walking the streets, resting and later eating dinner before I realized I needed to check my mail because I knew noah was going to send an email about his flight the next morning. Walking the street I find a small shop with a few computers, checking my mail I see urgent, urgent from noah, he was flying in on this night, nov 5th and would arrive at 7:30, Wow! It was now 7:00, so we rushed back and caught a ride to the airport to see another flight he was on was delayed, poor noah, but finally, finally after traveling since 8:00 on Friday arrives about 8:00 on Sunday, but still with no bag. It’s a wild story I know but trust me, he lived thru it and now rest next to us in our amazing hotel. Still today, nov. 7th he has no bag and its not looking very good as far as finding it, we try many times a day, so hopefully it will pop up. Just thought I would share the story of how we finally meet noah and the amazing trip he has had without clothes and without anything he really needs, just a computer, ipod, and basically the clothes on his back. Yesterday we found some taxi moto’s and went to the local market so he has been able to buy some clothes to get him by until hopefully the bag is recovered.

So we will be down south on the coast till sometime next week around Monday. We have plans to travel north past the capital to Angkor wat, many temples from Asia’s past. google this if you have some time, it’s the best ruins in all of Asia and some of the best in the world, will be an amazing experience I am sure, something I am really looking forward to.

Well I just thought to explain just a small portion of the many experiences I go thru on a regular basis, some wonderful and others terrible, but they all make me a stronger person, help to keep me open minded and all help shape me into the individual I am.

I hope to stay in touch with all of you, and will try to send more mail in the future.

Saturday, November 04, 2006
  last day in thailand.....
well i just wanted to say this will b my last hours in thailand. i realize that many people have said they are having troubles viewing my pictures on webshots. i know they are there as i can see them and a few others have also. i really dont know what to say but if you have an account search for asmithlife, its there i just dont have the time to figure it out. also, with my blogspot page, the pictures have not been resized so they may take a little while to load, bare with me since i cant do the things i can if i were back home. in time i will work it all out.

well yesterday was the worst traveling ever, we were told that the sea's were large so all passengers should perpare for sea sickness, well this was an understatment, it was a ride of death. i cant even begin to explain what i saw, people everywhere, sick, throwing up, the workers doing everything they could to try and keep people calm, well thank god that is over and i will never go thru that again, luckly i made it thru without gettin sick myself. after this we were put on a bus for another 7 and half hours, it took a total of about 13 hours but we made it and its all part of the experience, something i will never forget.

tomorrow we leave for cambodia and it will b nice to see another country, my time is has come to an end but the memories will last a lifetime.
i hope to try and put some more pics up but this place i am at just doesnt have the ability of making this possible.

hope all is well back in the states
stay in touch
Thursday, November 02, 2006

sunset at koh tao

check out this palm tree

after the long climb up an outer island

the beginning of the journey
  leaving koa tao island
well my time for island hopping is currently over, tomorrow i leave for bangkok to meet noah and keep the travels alive by moving on to cambodia. thailand has been a unique expereince i will and can never forget. i have seen more n the past few weeks than i could ever see in a lifetime back home, i am so lucky to have this opportunity and i am so thankful each and every day. it seems like i have been gone forever but really its only been about 3 weeks. time moves at a much slower pace here and its easy to get used to not having a watch and not having a time schedule to live by.
i have set up and account with skype on the internet where i can all worldwide for a very cheap price, so if ya want me to give you a shoutout, leave me a email with ur phone number as i have no ones number since i have no cell phone.
i cant wait to fullfill this inner feeling of wanting to help others, cambodia will b truely eye opening and i pray that i can make a difference in the lives of those i touch along the way. this is journey of life, and i am only trying to make the most of it.
its nice to get away and feel free of all the daily stuggles we feel back home. to have no commercials telling you to buy this, you need that, just an open mind to the world soaking up everything it has to offer. its when you get away, step back from the everyday life that you can begin to see what really matters in life and what it is we want out of life to be happy.
  webshots......pics under the name, asmithlife
Webshots check out a few of the pictures along the way, its hard to upload the pics i have cause often the internet is too expensive or too slow. i will do my best from here to keep this site and my webshots site more updated. thanks for being patient, more pics are coming!

bamboo island

maya bay, where the movie "beach" was filmed

maya bay

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
  traveling life



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Death Edition Chris Curry
freewebe Noah's Travels
Free Noah aka 2 Tan
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HotBox Jason Cox - myspace
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greco industries bro's designs
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On the snow conditions
SnowShoe Mountain West Virginia
Kayak Find your own Path
NSR SURF REPORT nica daily report
Surfer's Journal A true artistic surf mag
Surfer's Path travelers journal
A-Frame online ish
TRIBAL SEEDS Bahamas 2002
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Circle the Pacific Ticket October - March
China-Bangkok October 8 - 13
Thailand Oct-Nov
Cambodia November 5 - 17
Indonesia November 17 - 30
Austraulia December 2 - Jan 15
New Zealand Jan 15 - Feb 15
Fiji and mystery island Feb 15 - 18
Hawaii March 4 - 18
Brazil New Years 09
Nicaragua April 2009
Barbados New Years 10
Hawaii February 2010
Puerto Rico September 2010
Cali Living Daily October...
Ecuador and Galapagos Islands November 16 - December 14 2011
Ecuador March 6 - March 22 2012


