Wednesday, October 18, 2006
  island life
i know i have been bad about making post but really cant afford to say much while trying to send out emails. the trip is amazing and the pics will come i promise, waitin for a rainy day when there is not much else to do and i can finally show you guys the adventure and journey so far.
until then...........

well what can i say, paradise doesnt explain this place god has put on earth. yestday i took a boat ride around to the nearby islands, wow is all i can say. went to bamboo island, past mosiquito island, over to some great snorkeling spots, then to monkey beach, and finally to phi phi ley, spot where the movie "beach" was filmed, i cant tell you how amazing it was will just have to look at the pics when i get home, i have already filled a 2g memory card and about 125 pics filled on my 1g, so i will have plenty i promise.

today i woke and went on a hike to the peak of the island we stay on phi phi don, from the top which almost killed me hiking with no bug spray, no sun screen, no water, sandels and hottest part of the day, yeah i know i am an idiot, but it was perfect. even more than i expected, got the view i see on all the post cards around here, pretty sweet no doubt.
seen some really sad things thou, spoke with the locals and went to the tsunami memorial, makes you think about how special life is in this place pretty much in the middle of no where. there were the names of all those who died, pictures showing all the devastion, so sad, hard to believe now though, not much remains but there is still lots of debri left behind on the sides of some of the footpaths, dont know if i mentioned or not, no cars on this island, walk everwhere and travel by boat, i am loving that after being in a city like hongkong.

each day i wake it feels kinda like groundhog day, yeah i know its not so bad, pretty perfect really expect the fact i do miss the loved ones back home. tomorrow i think i may try and make it to the other side of the island was told that its a hard trek but i am not much for laying on the beach all day, need some action in my life, we shall see though, i have time. not sure how long i will stay around here for, wanted to see the north, chang mai but after living island life its hard to leave. thinking of maybe traveling to other islands about 2 hours by ferry closer to cambodia and then back to bangkok to meet noah on nov. 4th, time will tell i guess.
Monday, October 16, 2006
  phi phi, thailand
so i made it, thailand paradise, its here, finally after all the hours of traveling and discovery. this is the island where the movie the beach was filmed, got to google it peeps, god its so different than the rest of thailand. our place is about 8 dollars a nite on this lil island in the middle of no where. they have a huge memorial for all the people who died in the tsunami here, kinda sad thinkin about all those people who lost there lives on the very ground i stand on.
eric and i got a really nice room, fan no ac, nice clean bathroom, hammock on the porch and really nice people who run the place. jungle grows over and around us so its protected from the scortching sun that is relentless dalily. its nice to get out the city, its nice because there are no cars, only foot paths and bikes. i still have yet to find an american anywhere, so crazy how no one from the states really travels to this side of the world, well atleast not nearly as many as other parts of the planet.

i hope all is well, gotta stay in touch cause i hope to never forget those back home even when i dream of only gettin away while i am there. tomorrow plan to just chill and relax, going to take a boat trip in the days to come so i will keep ya posted on that.
Friday, October 13, 2006
  thailand, phuket
well i made it after 12 more hours of traveling from taxis and buses to fly and sit in airports to fly again and then another taxi. yeah traveling is grueling but the outcome is always rewardind. eric and i have found a really nice hotel in phuket only a few minutes from the beach, has really nice pool inside this sweet garden area, swim up bar, air conditioning, tv, pretty much everything one needs while in away from home. the weather is absolutely beautiful here, hot and sunny, behind the hotel a mountain stretches to the clouds and dissapears in the fog at the top, the view is amazing from the pool and eating areas.
glad to finally get out of hongkong, it was just totally excausting but the experience will stay with me for a lifetime. i bought a new camera, canon 1000 isnt out in the states and prob want b for a long time, 10mega pics so i was stoked cause u know me and the camera situation.
going to just lay on the beach under palm trees all day and relax, didnt get in here till midnite or so last nite and was just feelin a lil tired today cause i woke around 6 am and couldnt get back to sleep. ever since i left i pass out around 12 and get up with the sun, it feels good tho, makes u appreaciate the time you have and i love gettin out early.
thanks for all the emails, so good to hear from everyone, life can get lonely traveling and i wish everyone the best back home. it should start cooling off there soon so everyone rock some heavey gear for me cause i will b roasting i am sure.
plan to explore some outter islands in the days to come, we should be in thailand for about 3 and half weeks. i think we will stay in phuket for atleast 4 days or so than maybe over to koh phi phi, who knows where we will go just an idea to play out.
cant wait to show u guys some of the pics and will try and post some soon.
i miss everyone but at the same time so good to escape the daily life.
keep sending the mail hope to hear from ya soon
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
  another day in hongkong
well after that grueling flight and a terrable night of no sleep i woke up this morning around 4 am and just starred at the dark sky waiting and waiting for the sun to rise, finally hours later after being trapped in a bed way to small, def for small peoplel and in a room that feels like i am in prison i crawled to the bathroom for my first shower. well less just say that the shower was just a small hole in the wall where i practically just stood on the toilet to get my head we and let it drip on the rest of my body, yeah it was no fun i promise. at 6:30 i woke eric and waited on him to get dressed so we could get out of this madness. first step out the door on the streets on hongkong and the smell hits u, death in the air. wondered around for a bit and found a mcdonalds, well chinese style anyway had to get something in the stomach.

after breakfast exchange some loot and made our way to the ferry on kowloon side of hongkong where we are staying. took the ferry to hongkong island and the sky scrapers seem to reach the heavens, from here we walked passed many buildings, crowded sidewalks and dodging buses and taxis to another port. buying our tickets we escaped to an outer island which was so different than the city. small market places and lots of chinese people, no cars only bikes, lots of bikes, many of the chinese used training wheels and i got a good laugh about that. wondering around we found a temple with all the insense burning outside, took a few photos and kept moving thru narrow streets all with construction work going on, men with round hats and scarfs over there faces in the hot, hot air, and the sticky humid air didnt help something like wb. over more random streets to the back of the island to the beach, well,. more like a trash dumb made into a beach no lie, was so sick i couldnt take it, just kept moving. hot as ever snackin on bananas we slowly made our way back to the ferry, thru the city, acoss the bay and back to kowloon.

a nice lunch at an irish pub and then i passed out for 2 hours while eric bought another new camera, my plan tomorrow. i awoke to him telling me we had to go, we were meeting his dads friend ben, the china men. now he hooked it up no doubt. took us up to the peak, u peeps need to google this, hongkong peek and we got some sick pics. i bought another painting just like the one i bought in venezuela but of hongkong, was happy about that no doubt plan to ship it back to the states tomorrow i hope.
after this we took us to this expensive dinner, me rockin cargo camo shorts and a tee and everyone else decked out in there suits was funny and a site to see. for dinner we told him to order our food. well lets just say it was an experience. first duck eggs, they were black with goo inside them, forced them down and watched as eric gags and almost throws up across the table. next snake soup and for my entree duck with somekinda slimy fish, i ate it and really it was bad, just another experience that was unique and quite fun. so here i am back n this deathly building, forgot to tell ya, chinese men ben, well he booked us for 2 nights in the holiday inn down the road until we leave, for free. this place is 5 star from where we are and much different than ours back n the states.
Monday, October 09, 2006
  arrived in hongkong
so yeah, that was the worst flight of my life, never again if i can help it will i fly for 20 hours to get anywhere. eric and i are staying at travelers friendship hostel on 58-62 nathan road. marador mansion, pretty grimy but whatever. tomorrow we got dinner with eric's dads friend and then going to explore the city so i will try and keep u guys posted.
miss all of u, i will b n touch
Thursday, October 05, 2006
  goodbye dinner at bluewater
off to bluewater for the last supper with friends. its been a wonderful time and i thank everyone such a great experience here at WB. hope to stay in touch with all of you so dont forget to email me.
Monday, October 02, 2006
  thanks for the support!
thanks to all who came out and showed support for the coral fam this past weekend, it was a fun experience and good to see all of you one last time. i hope to stay in touch with all of you as much as possible, just opened a new email address so starting today send me mail at
noah and i are thinking of starting another blogspot, this will be a travel blog about our journeys so i will keep you guys informed on the progress of this idea.
  thanks for the support!
thanks to all who came out and showed support for the coral fam this past weekend, it was a fun experience and good to see all of you one last time. i hope to stay in touch with all of you as much as possible, just opened a new email address so starting today send me mail at
noah and i are thinking of starting another blogspot, this will be a travel blog about our journeys so i will keep you guys informed on the progress of this idea.


July 2005 / August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / March 2006 / April 2006 / May 2006 / June 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / October 2006 / November 2006 / December 2006 / January 2007 / February 2007 / March 2007 / April 2007 / May 2007 / June 2007 / July 2007 / December 2007 / January 2008 / February 2008 / November 2008 / August 2009 / March 2010 / May 2010 / June 2010 / July 2010 / August 2010 / September 2010 / November 2010 / January 2011 / February 2011 / March 2011 / May 2011 / July 2011 / August 2011 / September 2011 / October 2011 / December 2011 / January 2012 / February 2012 / March 2012 / April 2012 / May 2012 /

Ashley Hiking Appalachian Trail
g4000 bro maine
Death Edition Chris Curry
freewebe Noah's Travels
Free Noah aka 2 Tan
Eric's pics bebo
Jason Cox Blogspot
HotBox Jason Cox - myspace
Spiceroads Tajimoto
Intens T z neighbor
Tarhoof IDOTE on the web
Julien Maryland
Round the world tickets travel the globe
greco industries bro's designs
A-Framemag Bodyboarding online magazine
Wavehunters Surf travel
WBLive Wrightsville beach
Wetsand Swell forecast
Surfline world-wide surf forecast
Custom X bodyboards
On the snow conditions
SnowShoe Mountain West Virginia
Kayak Find your own Path
NSR SURF REPORT nica daily report
Surfer's Journal A true artistic surf mag
Surfer's Path travelers journal
A-Frame online ish
TRIBAL SEEDS Bahamas 2002
Mexico Summer 03
Costa Rica August 04
Venezuela December 04
Ireland May 05
Netherlands May 05
Belgium May 05
France May 05
Spain June 05
Portugal June 05
Switzerland June 05
Italy June 05
Greece June 05
Panama December 05
Circle the Pacific Ticket October - March
China-Bangkok October 8 - 13
Thailand Oct-Nov
Cambodia November 5 - 17
Indonesia November 17 - 30
Austraulia December 2 - Jan 15
New Zealand Jan 15 - Feb 15
Fiji and mystery island Feb 15 - 18
Hawaii March 4 - 18
Brazil New Years 09
Nicaragua April 2009
Barbados New Years 10
Hawaii February 2010
Puerto Rico September 2010
Cali Living Daily October...
Ecuador and Galapagos Islands November 16 - December 14 2011
Ecuador March 6 - March 22 2012


